Saturday, September 25, 2010

152: WOW haven't blogged in so long

The gate was locked, so you jumped it, and let me in.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

151: QUIZ

what if...

1. There was a maggot in your soup?
ask for new soup.

2. You woke up and only McDonald's and Starbucks exist ?
FATT!!! my thighs will inflate! T_T and I'll die young. but THATS DAMN GOOD FOOD.

3. Pokemon were real?
ooo... :D:D:D gotta catch em all ;D

4. You walked around your block naked?
why would i?? thats super embarrassing. i better win some good money

5. The person of your dream was finally yours?

6. The world ends in 24 hours?
gonna eat a LOT

7. You could have 3 wishes but you had 10 seconds to say them?
wish to control time ;D

8. You could never die?
AWESOME!! i can like free fall without worrying about a thing!

9. There was beauty pageants for men?
project runway already exists ;)

10. Models were short and fat instead of skinny and tall?
i think the world will still be the same... heart disease will go up and macs will do better though

11. We celebrated Halloween like a dark Christmas?
christmas already has santa clause!

12. Girls wore boxers and guys wore panties?
they already do ;)

13. Santa, the easter bunny, and the toothfairy really exist?
ill stay up all night on christmas with a gun

14. Music could give you cancer?
i wont mind having cancer

15. Your parents arranged who you had to marry?
i wont mind... as long as its for good reason. saves me the trouble too

16. You could star as a character in your favourite cartoon?
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i've always wanted to be in sponge bob :D:D:D:D:D

17. You got to try out on American Idol?
thats embarrassing.

18. Your parents were spies, superheros, or something cool when you are not home?

19. Your life or death depended on any game of your choice?
NOT rock paper scissors. id die

20. You became a parent 1 year from now?
O_O... my youth has been destroyed! i play sims, i know what kids do!

21. There was a breakfast cereal named after you?

22. You could talk to inanimate objects?
I dont need to text people anymore! I can just TALK TO MY PHONE!

23. There was 10 more 'What If' questions included this as one of them?
people will read my blog longer!! and i dont have to do bio!

24. You were the only person in the world to have unlimited gas for your car?
yay. save the environment :D

25. You woke up as your opposite gender?
.i'd be scared to pee.

26. With the snap of your fingers, any problem you would have could disappear?
i'll have strong finger muscles at the end of the day

27. It was against the law to eat more than one meal a day?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

150: fame monster

Celeberaties are weird beings, before they became where they are now they had to make a conscious decision and effort and will power to get to where they are now. They had to work hard, for what? To make others happy, to entertain them, they are entertainers after all. For money? for fame? for the art sake of it? what do these people get out of working hard? then the people on the other side of the screen are desperately wanting to be them, to join them. cause it all looks so glamorous and fun. you get attention, money, glamorous lifestyle and clothes etc. so what is there to lose?
isnt hard to get there?
dont you miss out on a lot of other things?
isnt it lonely.
why do these people I watch and admire looks so happy? if their work is so hard, why are they still happy?
i think people dont want fame and fortune, but they want happiness.
I want to be someone that makes people happy, inspire them, make them dream.

I've always had this weird fascination and interest with the people inside the screens I constantly admire. And this Kpop song by Gdragon called A boy, I was addicted to it at first cause the tune was nice. I dont know korean so I never really bothered knowing what the song meant, then I searched it today and it kinda hit me, like, insight-fully majig.

It's deep in the night but I can't sleep Fighting against the worsened headaches Twisted and turned until I was deep in my thoughts then grabbed the pen again The lyrics that I’m writing with no space in between have my philosophy My room that’s filled with white smoke is cozy like home sweet home I’ve came here with no rest since I was 13 My mightiest weapon was my confidence When there’s an uphill there’s always a downhill Too late to go back I can’t let go Remember back in the day Your shining dream, I cannot forget that dream Don’t forget back in the day boy Shout to the world with your cool voice, shine a light G-dragon whatever people say about how you’re too young I’m G-dragon whatever the others say whao~ People say they’re jealous of me because I have too much Celebrities all live a comfortable life Be in their shoes for just a day You’ll realize what you see isn’t everything As time passed by my loneliness grew The sense of duty was the heaviest burden for me When there’s an uphill there’s always a downhill Too late to run away I wanna go Remember back in the day Your shining dream, I cannot forget that dream Don’t forget back in the day boy Shout to the world with your cool voice, shine a light The tears and sweat from the past 10 years The cold tears you’ve held back ah ah ah ah lets start again Remember back in the day Your shining dream, I cannot forget that dream Don’t forget back in the day boy Shout to the world with your cool voice, shine a light (Just once) Remember back in the day (Go back) Shining dream (Huh) I can never forget (forget) That dream then (huh) Don’t forget back in the day(way back) boy Shout to the world with your wonderful voice shine a light Come back to me now (even after 10 years) Come back to me now (even after 10 years) Come back to me now Come back to me now (The past days, my youth) Remember back in the day(It's time to shine) I can never forget (that’s choice) Don't forget back in the day (dropped to you by GD) Shout to the world with your wonderful voice shine a light


just for today
Korean aliens

Monday, May 17, 2010

149: araso? korean aliens

Which Big Bang boyfriend would you want in these situations? Part 2!!!

1. When I buy him clothes as a present and he doesnt like it…
a. TOP: smiles and lies trying to compliment it saying it’s pretty
b. GD: takes my hand and goes to the shopping mall explaining why he must exchange it for his fashion purposes
c. YB: smiles and tries to start a different conversation
d. DS: gets overly excited and exaggerates his thanks
e. SR: wears it on the spot and jumps up and down the sidewalk

2. When I am jealous due to his relationship with one of the female celebrities on TV
a. TOP: holds my hand.
b. GD: explains logically says its not true… then goes on TV and explains to the world its not true as well.
c. YB: stutters trying to explain continously, then sighs saying he’s sorry
d. DS: laughs and seeings ‘Look at Me GiSoon’ with my name in it instead
e. SR: Acts cute and says “Are you being jealous right now~!?’ in a cute voice

3. When I’m away from my phone and another guy sends me a text hitting on me
a. TOP: deletes the guys number
b. GD: presses ‘Call’ on the number right away.
c. YB: pretends he didnt see it but gets quiet
d. DS: tells me i got a text and gives me suspicious looks
e. SR: smiles and lets it go infront of me, then goes home and tracks the guy down texting him evil messages

4. When he comes to my house without a word but I look like a ‘pain’ (no shower, havent washed hair, sweats, etc etc)
a. TOP: Washes my hair for me
b. GD: Makes me a schedule on ‘how to not be a pain’ and makes me write a written oath that i will never be a ‘pain’ again
c. YB: lies to me and tells me he hasnt washed his hair for 4 days either
d. DS: sits down on my couch like nothings wrong and watches Dorraemon
e. SR: Gets too shocked and scared that he cant even come in the house

5. When I get a sickness and must die the next day
a. TOP: treats me like the normal days but never lets go of my hand
b. GD: swallows/hides his tears and says “Lets live today to the fullest/Until the day ends lets live like no tomorrow
c. YB: ends up crying and doesnt know what to do
d. DS: pretends he didnt hear and keeps making me laugh
e. SR: cant stop crying and just keeps taking pictures with me

6. When he walks in on me cheating on him with someone else
a. TOP: without a word, punches the guy and takes me with him
b. GD: gives me his ring (couple ring), cellphone and walks out without a word
c. YB: makes a conversation with all of us
d. DS: says “Oops, got in the wrong place” and walks out
e. SR: gets very mad and cant control his anger so he throws and breaks furniture

7. When meeting my parents and they dont like him
a. TOP: goes on his knees
b. GD: says “(name) is pregnant” *he would be banished in my household xP
c. YB: smiles and says he wants to marry his first love
d. DS: tries to earn points by singing ‘Look at me Gwisoon’
e. SR: kisses me infront of my parents and shouts “(name) IS MY LADY!”

8. When he sees that I’m in the audience while hes performing
a. TOP: never takes his eyes off me until his performance ends
b. GD: ignores me because i make him nervous and focuses on making the performance perfect for me
c. YB: is so happy that he keeps smiling and messes up his dance
d. DS: puts in customized moves by him for me
e. SR: acts cute infront of the camera

9. When I tell him I’m going to get plastic surgery
a. TOP: pretends he didnt hear and secretly slides a picture of ‘surgery-gone-wrong’ pictures for me to see
b. GD: gives me his credit card
c. YB: tells me im more beautiful now and says no.
d. DS: insists if i do it, hes definitely doing it too
e. SR: listens to me and then makes fun of me

10. When I say Im going to a resort for university
a. TOP: tells me to have fun and come back
b. GD: keeps asking me if guys are gonna be there too
c. YB: says its okay but you see him starting to pout without realization
d. DS: suddenly gives me DorraMon and tells me to think of him when i look at this
e. SR: says “Take me too”

11. When watching a movie together and its some serious 19+ sexual content…
a. TOP: tries to switch the mood by being funny
b. GD: ……asks jokingly “…can you do that?”
c. YB: cheeks turn red, starts pourring nose bleed and faints
d. DS: “oh fun stuff~” and enjoys it
e. SR: suddenly whips his head around and looks at me

1. When I fall and hurt myself

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who gives me a piggy back ride to the hospital
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who makes fun of me because I fell
c. Dong Young- Bae, who runs to go buys medication
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who helps me get home
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who asks if it hurts a lot and blows on the place where it hurts

2. When I say I want a name brand item

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who buys a fake one and says later on, he’ll make it a real one
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who pretends not to listen but buys it for me later
c. Dong Young-Bae, who promises to buy me one once he makes more money
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who keeps saying not to buy expencive things
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who keeps asking if he can buy me something else

3. While watching a horror movie

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who protects me
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who quietly covers my eyes
c. Dong Young-Bae, who comforts me by saying there’s nothing to be scared of
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who holds my hand tightly
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who screams even before i scream

4. When my voice crack while singing

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who pinches my cheek and says i’m cute
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who laughs at me
c. Dong Young-Bae, who gets even more embarrassed than me
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who pretends he didn’t hear it
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who makes fun of me by imitating me

5. When his friend says he likes me

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who says what are you trying to do and breaks ties with his friend
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who goes up and punches his friend
c. Dong Young-Bae, who talks it out with his friend
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who says he will introduce another girl to his friend
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who stops talking to his friend

6. When I’m mad at my boyfriend

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who starts a serious talk by asking me if I’m mad
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who says I’m sorry and says don’t be mad
c. Dong Young-Bae, who sings to me
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who makes me laugh
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who does cute stuff around me

7. When my boyfriend meets my friends

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who compliments me in front of my friends
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who asks my friends to watch over our relationship
c. Dong Young-Bae, who makes me feel good by complimenting my friends
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who makes my friends comfortable as if they were his friends
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who asks my friends to consider him

8. On my birthday

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who takes me some place expencive
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who treats me better than other days
c. Dong Young-Bae, who makes me a special present
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who sings to me on a stage at a restaurant
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who says happy birthday all day long cheerfully

9. When we kiss

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who hugs me tight first
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who just does it
c. Dong Young-Bae, who asks first
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who becomes awkward first
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who asks if I can give him a kiss on the cheek and turns his head when I’m about to kiss his cheeks

10. When it’s raining and we only have one umbrella

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who shares the umbrella but he ends up getting wet
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who holds me really tight so both of us don’t get wet
c. Dong Young-Bae, who give me the umbrella and he walks under the rain
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who tells me to wait and go gets another umbrella
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who just tosses the umbrella and have both of us to walk in the rain

11. When I say I want to break up

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who lets me go, saying he’s sorry he didn’t do much for me
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who is dumbfounded and says he never thought I’d break it off
c. Dong Young-Bae, who asks if he can hug me one last time
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who says farewell and lets me go, crying
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who clings and anxiously asks why I’m acting like this suddenly

12. When we go to the amusement park

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who suggests to ride what I want to ride
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who suggests to go to the haunted house first
c. Dong Young-Bae, who takes lots of pictures
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who eats this and that
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who forcefully takes me to scary rides

13. When he is paying at a restaurant but has no money

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who is sorry but asks if I could pay for now
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who grabs my hand and runs
c. Dong Young-Bae, who has them keep his belonging until he can pay
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who calls his friend to bring some money
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who is anxious and doesn’t know what to do

14. When I talk to another guy

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who thinks it’s no big deal
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who tells me not to talk to other guys
c. Dong Young-Bae, who can’t say anything but actually bothers him
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who is curious and sneakingly wedges in the conversation
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who later asks what we talked about

15. When he can’t reach me through the phone

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who says he’s worried
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who comes to my house right away
c. Dong Young-Bae, who lets it by, thinking something must have happened
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who calls until I pick up
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who gets mad because I didn’t pick up

16. When I tell him I love him

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who whispers in my ear that he loves me
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who kisses me
c. Dong Young-Bae, who hugs me without saying a word
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who smiles, embarrassed
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who hugs me tightly, saying he loves me too

17. When we’re shopping

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who says it’s boring and wants to go home already
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who picks out clothes for me
c. Dong Young-Bae, who does everything I want to do
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who impatiently follows me around
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who enjoys shopping more than I do

18. When I act cutely (like a kid)

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who thinks I’m cute and hugs me
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who says I’m not doing it right and shows an example
c. Dong Young-Bae, who tells me to do that everyday
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who just laughs
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who copies me

19. When we get held up by a gang

a. Choi Seung-Hyun, who fights them
b. Kwon Ji-Yong, who grabs my hand and runs
c. Dong Young-Bae, who makes an effort to clear things out
d. Kang Dae-Sung, who calls the cops
e. Lee Seung-Hyun, who leaves me and runs away


Sakurai Sho

Thursday, April 22, 2010

148: What am I suppose to do when the best part of me was always you

I'm turning 16!!!!!!!!!! In like 9 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm kinda sad cause I dont get to have a big party like I hoped. I just want to have a really fun time with everyone... and dont have to worry or stress about being a hostess, thats why I really enjoyed my previous parties (cause they're not my responsibility) And I wanna dress up on my sixteenth birthday!!!
hmmm, i dont really know what else I'm stressed about, I dont really wanna celebrate my SIXTEENTH you know.. cause honestly I dont see it as much of a big deal, I really just wanna have fun with everyone, but without the context of me being a hostess and like, worrying if everyone is okay, and stuff... And plus I'd feel like, "can everyone really mix together?" something along those lines
and if I just take the bandits out, I'd feel really bad cause I can't say "thank you" properly to other friends (YES i have other friends, -_- and I DO get text messages..)

And I'm obsessed with japanese boys again

and korean drama

personal prefference ;D

"We'll Take Control Of The World If That's All We Have To Hold Onto, A Dream"


Ohno Satoshi

Monday, April 12, 2010

147: i don no tourist

A few days in japan from Charlesque on Vimeo.



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

146: never ending

check it out ;D

oh and i got bangs that looks (a lot -_-) like this person's -_-


inoue mao